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WW1 Black Wound Badge - DRGM
WW1 Black Wound Badge: Black painted steel, Catch, Hinge, and Wound Badge are hollow stamped as one piece in a special die. The comes out of the die with a slot to insert the pin and the catch comes out of the die hallmarked "D. R. G. M." (Deutsches Reich Gebrauchsmuster = German Reich Registered Design). The catch and hinge are then fed into another die to bend them 90 degrees to set the pin. The long pin is now stamped and bent so that when a short pin is crimp-set into the hinge, the top of the long pin looks like a lobster tail helmet. Seldom seen maker, 3.8 x 4.1 mm, 9.66 gm, light wear.
Price ... $60
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Catch and Hinge
Catch Stamped D. R. G. M.